Health Cost Guidelines Suite

The industry gold standard
Incorporating more than 60 years of research and consulting, the Milliman Health Cost Guidelines are compiled from published, unpublished, private, and public data sources. Today, risk-bearing entities rely on our proprietary methodologies and comprehensive data to:
- Model healthcare utilisation for medical, pharmacy, or dental
- Estimate claim costs and premium rates
- Adjust national average healthcare costs for specific geographic areas, benefits, reimbursement structures, and plan characteristics
Everything you need to evaluate pricing

Always on time
The Health Cost Guidelines are updated annually to address the latest trends and regulatory compliance issues.

Exactly what you need
In addition to being comprehensive, the Guidelines are flexible enough to accommodate your specific situation. Whether the focus is on a single benefit area, such as prescription drugs, or redesigning an entire benefit plan, the Guidelines will keep you up to date on the issues that affect your bottom line.
Milliman uses multiple sources of public and private data sources to produce the most comprehensive Health Cost Guidelines available.

We walk in your shoes
The products we sell are the tools we use. As the premier healthcare management consulting firm, Milliman uses the Health Cost Guidelines and underlying data daily to give our in-house actuarial consultants longitudinal insight into the key drivers of healthcare costs and utilisation.
Health Cost Guidelines Suite

The Health Cost Guidelines–Commercial include the Commercial Rating Structures, Commercial Area Factors, Commercial Claim Probability Distributions, Managed Care Rating Model (MCRM), and Prescription Drug Rating Model (RxRM).
The Rating Structures are used to determine utilisation, charge levels, and claim costs for various health benefits. The Area Factors are used with the Rating Structures to geographically adjust national average costs. Claims Probability Distributions help assess value of deductibles, out-of-pocket maximums, and the effect of plan maximums and area factors by deductible level. The two rating models automate the input and calculation of many of the rating variables and worksheets described in the managed care and prescription drug rating structures.

Ages 65 and Over
The Health Cost Guidelines—Ages 65 and Over are used to adjust national average costs to specific geographic areas and to rate Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, and retiree medical plans. They provide a basis for calculating prescription drug claim costs and allow for modifying costs based on age/gender mix, geographic area, trends, and other rating factors.

The Dental Cost Guidelines allow you to:
- Evaluate utilisation, average charges, and cost sharing for a variety of plan designs
- Access pricing details specific to orthodontia
- Reflect a fee schedule adjusted by dental procedure code
- Evaluate many cost-sharing alternatives or benefit-specific limits
- Simplify claim cost development and enhance plan rating

Anticipate future claim levels, evaluate historical data, and establish relationships between health coverage levels using the Milliman Health Cost Guidelines—Reinsurance. These guidelines contain rating structures for reinsurance used with fee-for-service or managed care plans provided to commercial or Medicare enrollees.

Analyse and benchmark utilisation and costs using the Health Cost Guidelines—Grouper, software which sorts medical and pharmacy claims data into hospital, surgical, medical, and other benefit service categories using Health Cost Guidelines (HCG) definitions.

Prescription Drug Rating Manual
Determine claim costs for a wide variety of prescription drug benefit plans for either commercial, Medicare or retiree populations. The rating manual allows you to:
- Quickly rate a multitude of benefit plan options
- Estimate the cost of including some form of prescription drug coverage for Medicare-eligible beneficiaries
- Estimate a wide variety of benefit design and pharmacy cost-management programs
Ready to learn more about the Health Cost Guidelines Suite?
Products related to Health Cost Guidelines
Adopt the healthcare industry’s leading platform for data warehousing and healthcare analytics.
Milliman Advanced Risk Adjusters
Manage Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial risk adjustment with our award-winning suite of tools and data.
Contact a Health Cost Guidelines expert
We’re passionate about partnering with people to solve complex problems. Let’s chat about what’s going on with your business, and how we can help.